Share Cycling 「HELLO CYCLING」

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Have you heard of a shared cycling app called “hello cycling”?
It’s an app service for shared cycling that has been developed mainly in Tokyo, but Fujieda City has also adopted it, and it’s extremely convenient. ‼️
I’m actually a heavy user of the app.

This time, I would like to introduce “hello cycling,” which I love.

By the way, in Shizuoka Prefecture
Shizuoka City, Numazu City, Mishima City, Fujieda City, Susono City, Izu City, Izunokuni City, Kannami Town, Shimizu Town, Nagaizumi Town
are available in the following cities


What is HELLO CYCLING anyway?

You may not be familiar with this service in Tokyo or other regional cities outside of urban areas because they are car-oriented societies.
HELLO CYCLING is a so-called “rent-a-cycle” service, where you register with an app, rent a bicycle at a station you have reserved, and then ride it to another station of your choice.

In Fujieda City, for example, it costs 70 yen to rent a bike at “Fujieda Ekimae” and return it at “Rengeji-ike Park!
*70 yen for 15 minutes or less, 140 yen for 30 minutes or less.

This is highly recommended for those who want to go out when they cannot use a car, or for those who want to get a little exercise by bicycle.
And since it is an electric bicycle, it is easy to use.

HELLO CYCLING Registration

First, download the application from the following link
Then, create an account.

The language setting is the language setting of your device.



OPENSTREET CO.,LTD.無料posted withアプリーチ

Payment can be made by credit card and others.
Once you have registered a payment method with the application, the fee will be automatically deducted each time you use the service.


After downloading the application, launch it immediately.
(It is assumed that payment registration and other settings have been made when the application is launched for the first time.)
Select a station.

Naturally, choose a place close to your location lol
(Image: in front of Fujieda Station)

See if there are bicycles available for rent.

The number of bicycles available and the number of bicycles that can be returned will be displayed.
If there is a bicycle available, select it.

After confirming, check the Terms of Use and complete the reservation!

I have a credit card on file, so I clicked on “Make a reservation using the payment method on file”.

Unlock your bike at the station

Now all you have to do is go to the station, press the “release” button on the app, remove the bike from the station, and GO💨.


usage fee

In Fujieda City, the fee is 70 yen per 15 minutes, and the maximum is 1,000 yen for up to 12 hours.
Fees seem to vary from municipality to municipality.

For more information, please see ↓↓.

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HELLO CYCLING” may be a solution to the problem of abandoned bicycles
Please ride your bicycles around Fujieda City!

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